I was always a skeptical child. I never quite understood that adults really actually believed in religion. There is a weird blurry line as a kid between reality and fiction. You KNOW spiderman isnt real, but if someone says it, you'll get upset. For me, jesus and God fell into that blurry category, but I didnt understand that for grown ups, it wasnt blury, it was real to them. As I got older and understood more, it seemed rediculous to still be claiming santa, the toothfariy, God, and spiderman were all real. I simply outgrew the idea. I didnt have a word for not believing in God until I went to college and took a philosophy course. That's when I learned how hard life could be for an atheist. In trying to talk about ideas that I had never had the vocabulary or knowledge to have a proper conversation about, people got very aggressive and agitated. I started seeing all the ways people had inserted religion in to everyday life and it really made me feel isolated. But this group has has really given me that sense of community that I had a hard time finding in college!